Free resources for supporting school bus ridership.
The school bus provides safe access to school for children of all ages from just about every type of community you can imagine. Ridership has grown to over 26 million and serves more than half of the students who attend school. So it might be easy to take the school bus for granted, but it needs support to continue to serve.
For many districts with budget restraints, cuts to school bus services are a real possibility. When school buses get cut, students not only lose safe and reliable access to school, but the entire community is impacted as well.
Imagine a world with less traffic, cleaner air, and more affordable transportation. These are just some of the benefits that school bus ridership provides. There’s no question that it plays an important role in thriving communities. But community support is key in maintaining school bus ridership. So what can you do to protect the school bus in your district?
Through a cooperative agreement with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the American School Bus Council has developed free resources to help spread the word about school bus ridership. These resources contain accurate information from trusted sources on how and why the school bus benefits everyone. The material is available online for anyone to use and is free of copyright restrictions.
These resources include a variety of print and digital media and is organized by three primary goals:
- Letting communities know about the benefits of school bus ridership.
- Informing communities about how to keep children safe in and around the school bus.
- Letting others know about the ways they can support the school bus in their community.
Products include posters, fliers, brochures, social media, animations, drop-in articles and supporting graphics.
Everyone can help spread the word about the school bus. Please visit and keep the benefits of the school bus going strong in your community.